Enforcement Mode

Configuring enforcement in tracing policies

Beyond monitoring, Tetragon tracing policies include enforcement actions. Configuring the mode of a policy allows you to disable enforcement in a policy, without modifying the policy itself.

A tracing policy can be set in two modes:

  • monitoring: enforcement operations are elided
  • enforcement: enforcement operations are respected and performed

Using the tetra CLI, you can inspect the mode of each policy. For example:

tetra tracingpolicy list

Will produce out similar to:

1    enforce-security   enabled   1          pizza       generic_kprobe       7.53 MB        enforce
2    allsyscalls        enabled   0          (global)    generic_tracepoint   4.25 MB        monitor

There are three ways that a policy mode can be set. From lower to higher priority, they are:

  1. Setting the mode in the policy itself
  2. Setting the mode when loading the policy
  3. Setting the mode at runtime (via gRPC)

Setting the mode in the policy itself

The policy mode can be set in the spec.options field, under the policy-mode key. For example:

apiVersion: cilium.io/v1alpha1
kind: TracingPolicyNamespaced
  name: "enforce-policy"
  namespace: "default"
    - name: "policy-mode"
      value: "monitor"

Setting the mode when loading the policy

This can be done via the tetra CLI:

tetra tracingpolicy add --mode monitor policy.yaml

Will load policy.yaml in monitor mode.

Setting the policy at runtime

You can use the tetra CLI to set the policy mode once the policy is loaded. For example:

tetra tp set-mode --namespace pizza enforce-security enforce